Jun 26, 2019
“What’s healthy, what’s not healthy, when I see this, I do this - that’s the key to good risk factor protocol: everybody on the team knows,” says today’s guest Patti Sooy, RDH, BS. With 30+ years’ experience in clinical, restorative, laser, practice management, hygiene, and business development, Patti is...
Jun 19, 2019
“The dentist made me feel like a person,” says today’s guest, Nicole Marquez about her unique experience at her dentist’s office. “That meant so much to me because I didn’t want to stand out.” Why was this so important? Because Nicole was recovering from a life-altering accident. Since she was a little...
Jun 12, 2019
“I always wanted to be good,” says today’s guest Dr. Wade Kifer. “I don’t think anyone says I just want to be average.” His journey to success is fairly typical: dental school, in attending CE credits and trying to integrating principles into his practice, but then he realized patients weren’t saying yes...
Jun 4, 2019
“I’m shocked when patients come in and have been through the mill and spent a ton of money on their teeth and they talk about how bad their previous dentist made them feel. I always wonder what purpose is served by dentists making the patient feel bad about themselves,” says one of today’s guests Dr. Jeff Mader....